Lasallian Volunteers 2005-2006

Lord, The Work is Yours...

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Dirty Dirty Lemony Snickets

For those of you who don't know, aside from my Language Arts classes, I also teach two periods of Reading each day. One with each room of 7th grade students. Today, we were in reading period and the students were all reading on their own. They all had a book at independent level and I was reading with Dominica when Jamal got up and came to my side. Jamal looked to me and in a whispered voice said, "Ms. Wagner...I'm not supposed to read this kind of book." I quickly assessed the situation and saw that he had one of the Lemony Snickets books in his possession, though dark, I was quite sure there wasn't a reason he couldn't have the book, so I checked the Reading level on it. All seemed okay still so I told him, "Jamal, you can't just go and get a new book, you need to finish that book, only then will I let you exchange."

When I said this, his face got really dark and he said, "But Ms. Wagner, it's not okay to read this stuff."I could tell from his voice that he wasn't simply trying to get out of the book, so I took the bait, "What's wrong with it Jamal?"

"It's got words like this..." he said pointing to a word on the page he was reading. There sat the word "pantyhose."

Without the ability to prevent myself, I immediately laughed. "Jamal, it's pantyhose. That's okay. They're just like socks that go to your waist. Women wear them all the time."He didn't appear to think that was enough to convince him that he wasn't reading "bad stuff."

"Jamal, really, it's not a bad word, next time you see a woman with a skirt on, look at her feet and ankles, she is probably wearing pantyhose."

He must have finally decided I wouldn't steer him wrong or that I was out of my mind because he said, "Okay Ms. Wagner..." and went back to his seat to read.


Hello Everyone,

I havent taken pictures lately, because my camera is locked and it wont work right now. But as soon as I take it to get it fix, I will start posting more pictures of Ross, Brendan, Kristen, Jolleen, and maybe me. I hope that everyone is doing well, and good luck with everyone's year.

Take Care

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

New Orleans...from Ross

Today, we e-mailed Ross and Martin to let them know that their families were in our thoughts and prayers as they recover from Hurricane Katrina. We have not heard from Martin yet, but Ross reported back today (see below). As many of you have started already and many of you begin, we are sure your schools and agencies will think of ways to help the relief effort (see below). There are also many Brothers and Lasallians in the South. We also included an update from Br. Tom Johnson.

Dave, Alisa, Courtney, Jim


The Catholic Relief Services Web Site offers information on ways to help:


The city didn't get hit as hard as it could have, but it is still a mess. However, my family is all out of the city and safe. They are staying with some extended family in Baton Rouge, LA. After the storm passed, one of the levees broke close to our house, so FEMA is reporting about 8 ft. of water in our neighborhood. We have flood insurance, so everything that is underwater can be replaced. My parents are trying to figure out when they can get back into the city, however, they are not sure how soon that will happen. They aren't sure what our house looks like, or even if it is still there, but they have places to go in Baton Rouge if there is no place to sleep when they get back. That's about all for now.


Dear Lasallians,

This is an update on the Hurricane Katrina situation as it affects Lasallians. As you know, communication to New Orleans is very poor at this time due to the damage caused by the hurricane. I have been in contact with the Provincialate in Lafayette, LA. Some Brothers from New Orleans left prior to the storm and headed for Lafayette or other places. Others stayed to ride out the storm. This morning I received the following message from Brother Louis Welker in Lafayette, Visitor of the NO-SF District:

"All attempts to reach the Brothers in New Orleans and Covington have failed. The National Guard will not let anyone in the city. We do not expect that the news will be good. I fear for our Brothers who decided to ride it out. Not knowing is hard! We will keep you informed."

Brother Louis Welker

Please keep everyone who has been affected by this disaster in your prayers.

Brother Thomas Johnson
Regional Director
Christian Brothers Conference

Monday, August 29, 2005

First Day of School

Today was the first day back at San Miguel - Comer Campus, and what a day it was. Somewhere, between last year and this, I forgot about that feeling you get in the top of your stomach right before the students fly down the hall on opening day. Needless to say, it all came back to me. I would say that today was a success! It was only a half day, and I think I was more tired when it came to a close than I have been in a long time. Now that I am the only adult in my classroom, I found myself very very busy. Always moving (which is typical and good), and always watching...even playing.

We had a few moments of laughter which was quite nice. My favorite part of the day was when Shantell walked up to Mr. Katz (the other 7th grade homeroom teacher) and I in the hallway and said: "Ummm, yea, which one am I in?" Shantell, let me tell you, is a very bubbly little ball of hyperactive energy and I was expecting a dramatic reaction no matter which direction. I told her she was "stuck with me" and my ears were met with a squeal of her own delight. Then she went to the door, looked to see who else was in the room with her and said, "Ugh, heeeeeeeeee's in HERE! Gross..." then proceeded to walk in and get to socializing with her fellow classmates. I'm not quite sure why, but that is what struck me today. To be a seventh grader again....Lord help us.

Hope you are all well, and enjoying the very end of your time-off and the starts of your new year.

Hello from the Bay Area!

I hope everyone is doing well at their sites! Things are going great here in Oakland. Busy but great. Today the LEO Center opens for the year and construction at our new building for the center is somewhat on schedule. We stopped by yesterday to look at it; they still need to finish up some painting, put in carpet, the fridge and stove, and maybe a few other things but it look like in 3-4 weeks we'll be able to move in. I think it stressed Br. Anthony out, but not me. I think stuff like that is fun and exciting, but then I am a little crazy like that! :)

The neighborhood here is good, loud, but good. Actually I do have a question- Does anyone know why people feel the need to listen to their music in their cars so loud that is rattles our windows while they sit at the intersection? I really don't understand this need; I think its kind of ridiculous especially since it can cause hearing loss. In other news, I was reading in the paper that a massive series of sideshows occurred on Broadway on Saturday and one ended up erupting in gun fire with two police officers being shot at. Crazy cus we were just there the night before at a restaurant downtown celebrating my birthday (its ok if you forgot. I'm terrible at remembering birthdays!).

The brothers here are doing good. Br. Anthony, well he's Br. Anthony. Bridget and I went to Costco the other day with him. I thought he was kidding when he said he goes there at least 2-3 times a week! Br. Chris is doing very well. He still goes to chemotherapy, but he is much stronger than he was in May when I did my site visit. Br. Robb doing good too.

Oh here's a good ice breaker or community bonding thing for anyone who wants to try it. During CAP Br. Robb, Bridget, Br. Anthony and I watched Animal Planet's Animals Behaving Badly and well it was probably one of the grossest shows I've ever seen, but it was also a priceless memory. I guess it something about watching the dung beetle doing its thing, birds pooping or vomiting on predators, animals rolling in dead carcasses of other animals, female insects sacrificing themselves so their offspring will have a source of food, ect. It was a jolly good time I tell you.

Well I hope everyone is doing good! I'll keep you posted on the move and how things are going here in Oakland! Lata gatas and God Bless!


Saturday, August 27, 2005

last day...

hello all. today is my last full day of vacation in my island state of Hawai'i. i have been here for about a month and it has been wonderful. tomorrow i hit the plane for the looooooong trek back to lil rhody. school starts monday! well. teachers start monday. get ready northeast peoples. and anyone else who wants to participate. im coming back looking for adventures!
p.s. a big thanks to mo who called me at 5:30 am this morning to chat!!!! geez's a six hour time difference! i will call you soon! maybe i will return the favor...

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Retreat in Indiana

Kristen came in from NY Sunday evening and by Monday at 8am, our community was on the road to Michigan City, Indiana where we had our community retreat and CAP. When we arrived at the cottage (owned by our Community Director's parents), Brother Gus immediately set out to create a theatre of sorts in the living room. I tried to capture just what all he accomplished, but trust me, the picture does not do his masterpiece justice. We had a screen (sheet), we had surround sound (speakers set on soda cases), we had a projector, a laptop, candles that smoked eerieness onto the screen during prayer and everything!

In the evening, we headed to the lakefront to see the sunset behind the Chicago skyline which was absolutely breathtaking. I am sure, had I had Saul's camera, you'd be able to make out the skyline in the distance behind our community pictures, but for some reason, my camera didn't pull the buildings out.

Harvey House Community BBQ

On Sunday, the Harvey House Community hosted a small BBQ compiled of, well, anyone who was nearby really. To help you decipher who's who: HH = Harvey House, NN = Nextdoor neighbor, SS = Southside Community Member. Dan (HH 2004-2005), Gayle (SS), Brother Gus (HH), and Kristy (NN) make up the first picture. Picture 2 is Brother Edwin (SS), Brother Arcadio (HH), and Brother Ed (HH). Picture 3 is Brendan (SS) and Jorge (SS). Picture 4 is Gayle (SS), Dan (HH 2004-2005), Melissa (Dan's gf), and Brendan (SS).

Much fun and relaxation had by all. Brendan and Jorge both got an extra workout by playing raquetball or something similar with our two neighbors, Kristy and Brittany. And the, dare I say, young crowd, took in some time playing, uh, teaching me how to play at least.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Lindcroft and the Jersey Shore

Hi All, just curious who from the NE regions will be heading to Lindcroft on Saturday? Both Resurrection and Bedford Park (the roof party crew) will be heading down there. Anyone is welcome to ride with us or crash in Harlem Friday or Saturday night. Hope we see you all there! Even you, Janitzia- not an excuse that you're flying in the same day =0)

Monday, August 22, 2005

First Gang Shooting

I just wanted to share that last nite was a gang shooting right outside the house, about 7 gun shots or so. Definately two guns. Its scary because I was on my way out to the car when the shooting began, if I would of step outside a minute earlier, I could of been right in the middle of it. I stayed inside until I knew it was over, but I got to saw pretty much everything after the shooting, and the gateaway.

Saturday, August 20, 2005


hey everyone,
hope your first week of school went by as quickly as ours did here in memphis. it was so nice to see the kids again and meet the new terrors. i'd love to swap some first-day reflections.
anyways, i'm writing to let you all know that i have decided to go home after all. these last few weeks here have been kinda crazy and i need some time to clear my head. i don't know what the plan is but i will keep you all updated on my fun and exciting adventures of my life because you will have no other choice but to read on.
know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers and i am so excited i had a chance to meet and hang out with everyone at orientation. don't worry, this isn't suckas don't get off that easy.
feel free to e-mail me, just don't stalk me! PEACE OUT

the craziest advice i got here:
friend: "damn, baby. git yo'self a GUN!" me: "but i don't wanna use it." friend: "it's okay, girl. just shoot him in the foot." me: "what if i miss and hit him in the nuts?" friend: "all the better."

here's some more advice: don't agree to move any plants. that one is for you, brandt.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Hot off the Press from Lewis University

Hello everyone!

Lewis University just posted an article on Paul Sevcik...see the link below:

Blessings on your weekend...

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

rat stampede

So after the roof party rainout I attended in Harlem last Sunday, I decided to take advantage of the cooler weather and talk on my cell phone outside on our grassy knoll. It was kind of nice; I brought my towel out, there was some Dominican music playing, and I was just chillin'. Well, at least for a while...

Do you guys remember that scene in the Lion King? You know, when the wildebeasts come charging in a giant herd and crush poor little Simba. Yeah, well all of a sudden these two rats came racing right at me, and I swear they really looked like those wildebeasts. It scared me quite a bit. One got so close it ran across my towel and was about an inch away from me. Gotta love urban wildlife. I think I'd rather have pigeons around...

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Roof Party in Harlem!

Hey- Here's how we're enjoying our time before school starts in NYC! Too bad our roof party got rained out... It was still fun!
(Brother Michael, Christine, Jonathan, Jennifer, Clare, Julia, Brother Joe)

Saturday, August 13, 2005


It's not the same when you type it, but I can't hold it in any longer...ANN NANO!

Monday, August 08, 2005

jesus' haircut?

Hey guys,

Sometimes I have to wonder how dinnertime conversations take the strange turns they often do. Our latest dining room table joke is the mullet. Honestly, I can't remember how it started. But Br. Bill had never heard of the word before. So I suggested to the table that we google image mullets to help him out. It turned into a strange night that ended with me reading haikus to Jonathan as he was finishing his Harry Potter book. In case you were wondering...

Hillbilly tresses
Ponder the meaning of life
Soaked in Budweiser

Glad to hear so many of you are doing well! Does anyone else have funny dinner stories?

Sunday, August 07, 2005

No Pain, No Gain

I would like to just mention that I haven't ran since late April and Saturday Angela and Lisa inveted me to go running with them. I did knowing that they were going 15 miles, I told myself that I would run a little and wait for them to come back and run a little more. I was planning on running five or six miles. I ended up running ten miles and It hurts to walk, especially to go down the stairs. I am in so much pain, but its all my fault. I just didn't think it was going to be that bad, but I was wrong. Two girls outran me on saturday and I was supposed to be a really good runner. but not anymore...

Friday, August 05, 2005

Thanks for a great week!

Good luck with all your adjustments these next couple weeks!

All of you are in our thoughts and prayers as you begin your service year!

Take care,

Dave, Alisa, Courtney, Jim

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

ENFP People Hater

yay for getting off the hook, irene. i made my 10 hour plane ride home and am now basking in the glory that they call hawai'i. life is beautiful. sorry for those at nti. hehehe. but the crappy thing that happened on the ride home was i was sitting next to two teenagers from new mexico and colorado who kept making mexican and gay jokes the entire ride to hawai'i. they just met on the plane and the girl kept pressuring the guy to become an engineering major and then she kept calling his mother a bitch for leaving him and moving to hawai'i. and complaining about how long the flight was and that they would never do it again. in my mind i was thinking "good! we don't want you here you ignorant @#$#$ @##@#@#!!!!" but lucky for them, i kept my mouth shut. i hate sitting so close to people. yay for ENFPs who hate people!!!!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

How's This For A Start?

So, on the way back to Memphis, we all took turns driving. My shift came and everything was going well until we came to a construction zone near the border of Illinois/Missouri. I was on cruise control and was gradually slowing down when I see a freaking cop hiding out in the trenches. I continue slowing down but then I see that he is definitely coming after me. GREAT. I pull over, and this guy strolls up and tells me, "You know you were going 57 in a 45 mph construction zone, don't you?" I'm like, "Sorry officer, I was trying to slow down but I didn't know where it began...". There's no crying involved; I'm just calm and then he takes my ID and goes back to his cruiser and sits there for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, Br. Mark, Br. Ken, and Katie are completely silent, probably thinking, NICE WORK, jackass! But then the cop comes back and gives me a warning. So yay, I got off, but I think it's only because he was wondering what the hell kind of group we were. Who's got a better story?
Hope you are all doing well. If you are at NTI - HA. -Irene