Lasallian Volunteers 2005-2006

Lord, The Work is Yours...

Monday, August 29, 2005

Hello from the Bay Area!

I hope everyone is doing well at their sites! Things are going great here in Oakland. Busy but great. Today the LEO Center opens for the year and construction at our new building for the center is somewhat on schedule. We stopped by yesterday to look at it; they still need to finish up some painting, put in carpet, the fridge and stove, and maybe a few other things but it look like in 3-4 weeks we'll be able to move in. I think it stressed Br. Anthony out, but not me. I think stuff like that is fun and exciting, but then I am a little crazy like that! :)

The neighborhood here is good, loud, but good. Actually I do have a question- Does anyone know why people feel the need to listen to their music in their cars so loud that is rattles our windows while they sit at the intersection? I really don't understand this need; I think its kind of ridiculous especially since it can cause hearing loss. In other news, I was reading in the paper that a massive series of sideshows occurred on Broadway on Saturday and one ended up erupting in gun fire with two police officers being shot at. Crazy cus we were just there the night before at a restaurant downtown celebrating my birthday (its ok if you forgot. I'm terrible at remembering birthdays!).

The brothers here are doing good. Br. Anthony, well he's Br. Anthony. Bridget and I went to Costco the other day with him. I thought he was kidding when he said he goes there at least 2-3 times a week! Br. Chris is doing very well. He still goes to chemotherapy, but he is much stronger than he was in May when I did my site visit. Br. Robb doing good too.

Oh here's a good ice breaker or community bonding thing for anyone who wants to try it. During CAP Br. Robb, Bridget, Br. Anthony and I watched Animal Planet's Animals Behaving Badly and well it was probably one of the grossest shows I've ever seen, but it was also a priceless memory. I guess it something about watching the dung beetle doing its thing, birds pooping or vomiting on predators, animals rolling in dead carcasses of other animals, female insects sacrificing themselves so their offspring will have a source of food, ect. It was a jolly good time I tell you.

Well I hope everyone is doing good! I'll keep you posted on the move and how things are going here in Oakland! Lata gatas and God Bless!



At 9:29 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

Oh ya I forgot one more thing. If anyone wants to view my pictures of us out here go to my site:

Thats all! Take care!


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