Lasallian Volunteers 2005-2006

Lord, The Work is Yours...

Sunday, May 21, 2006

5 days till MAY-HAM

Yes ladies and gentlement thats right 5 days to go until mayhem erupts Chicago style. Jolleen and I would like to know ARE YOU READY?!?!?!?!?! Here is a small check list of what to bring to this FABULOUS extravaganza: (this is hard to write with an english major behind me)

1. Hawaiian gear there will be a prize awarded
2. 8x10 picture just not of me thank you very much
3. deoderant Jolleen does not want stinky people in her house
4. your fun self leave debbie downer and depressed danny behind
5. your dancing shoes there will be a table top or two available (Ross your losing of a bet will have to be paid off be ready LSU lost to who again?)
6. Jolleen just found a scrabble dictionary for those who like that game
7. Your mad flip cup skills because Mollie rocks she is my roommate and you will lose to her
8. Your plane tickets cause Jolleen said you can't stay forever I beg to differ this is my 7 weekend here and Br. Ed just said welcome home and bought me a theatre (Engilsh major spelling NOT ME thats for sure) ticket after he called me ignorant. Do you know what the corn husker state is? Or what DWI stands for not DUI, DWI?
9. I say an extra change of clothes because you just never know you could be like me and have your own bedroom here!?!?!
10. Your affirmations for 38 people, yes do one for yourself, you deserve it

In closing I have learned NEVER write one of these with an english major nearby!!!!!!! see everyone in less then a week SO EXCITED

Jolleen and Jen

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

DLS Blackfeet Visit

Beth (DLS Blackfeet Staff), Katie and their new creation... "Snowperson"

What we thought was going to be a nice "spring" walk through Glacier National Park ended very quickly when the road ended at a snow bank.

THANK GOD Katie came to rescue when Beth slipped on the ice. We almost lost Beth to the bears, mountain lions and snakes waiting for her at the bottom of the cliff.

This "Krzysik Rescue" comes from experience.

Monday, May 08, 2006

A story and Joke for the Day

In having dinner tonight one of the brothers made a funny joke and I wanted to share. After taking the 6th grade boys swimming I was faced towards the back of the van waiting and watching for the students to put their seat belts on, when I heard a gasp come for all the boys then a roar of laughter I’ve learned not to ask what is going on in situations like this so I just turned around and went to put my seat belt on. However, when I turned around right in front of the van just far enough away for all the students to see were two cats mating. At this point I put my seat belt on and just turn up the music loud enough not to hear the remarks that the boys were making

The Joke

So in telling this story one of the brothers I live with said that the story reminded him of a joke. I apologize if anyone is insulted by this joke!!!!

An Indian family was sitting around a fire when the little boy asked his parents why his name was so unusual. The mother then told him that it is tradition to name the child after the first thing we saw in nature. We first saw a falling leaf after your brother was born, and lightning after your sister was born and that’s how they got their names. The mother then asked her son “fucking dog do you have any other questions”

After the joke was told the conversation we had was the other brother I live with saying, I heard that joke but instead of dogs being the childs name it was broken rubber. Then Mollie’s remark was I don’t know what was funnier the fact that the “pure” brother said the “F” word or the joke itself .

Can’t wait to see everyone in 3 weeks crazy to think the year is coming to and end!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Miguel House opened our doors this past weekend to 9 volunteers from the north east...we went down to see the Brother's Provincial and walked across the street to the homemade ice cream (ernest is the sundae champ!) and saw San Miguel Providence!!! (yay us!). I even trucked them all downtown in the San Miguel Van saturday night for some Karaoke...Patrick met up with us and came...Christine made a new friend named Eddie...and Mo, Chris, and Julia got up and sang in front of quite a lot of people...Martin had a rockin' Jamaican accent...the whole weekend was RADmilovich...(that's my new word. feel free to use it). they were quite tuckered out at the end (see van picture)...after this weekend, i have decided to rethink my whole idea of having 17 children. these 9 were quite enough. if there were 8 more, i would have been making pancakes all day!!! thank you everyone for coming! the brothers really enjoyed your stay and we wish everyone else could have come and hung out! see you all in a few weeks.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Hey everybody!

Here's some pics fromour community vacation this year to Southern California. All the animals at the San Diego Zoo and Wild Animal Park say 'Hi!' Jolleen was wonderin what people did so here it is. We also went to Yosemite where the waterfalls were full and there was still snow on the ground! Well I hope you all enjoy these and I'll see you in a few weeks.


Extra! Extra! White Kids Cheated Out of Holiday

This past weekend St. Stephen's hosted "El Dia de Los Ninos", a holiday on par with Mother's Day and Father's Day, but for children. I'm told it has its roots in the latino world, which is believable because within my caucasion heritage the answer to the question "Why isn't there a Children's Day?" is always sharply countered with "Every day is children's day, son. Now go mow the lawn."

Anyhow, the event was a smashing success. Our marketer, Celia Guzman, was able to coordinate a myriad of activities, from a toy gun buy back to a pepper eating contest; Moreover, our school received flattering press in many forms of media: TV, radio, color photo (w/ article) on the front page of the metro section of the Kansas City Star, and Br. Dale mentioned that a featured speaker at the May 1st KC immigration rally made mention of the event as well.

I thought the event to be exemplary as it reflects the true nature of the culture I serve.

Read the article from the KC Star through the link below.