Miguel House opened our doors this past weekend to 9 volunteers from the north east...we went down to see the Brother's Provincial and walked across the street to the beach...got homemade ice cream (ernest is the sundae champ!) and saw San Miguel Providence!!! (yay us!). I even trucked them all downtown in the San Miguel Van saturday night for some Karaoke...Patrick met up with us and came...Christine made a new friend named Eddie...and Mo, Chris, and Julia got up and sang in front of quite a lot of people...Martin had a rockin' Jamaican accent...the whole weekend was RADmilovich...(that's my new word. feel free to use it). they were quite tuckered out at the end (see van picture)...after this weekend, i have decided to rethink my whole idea of having 17 children. these 9 were quite enough. if there were 8 more, i would have been making pancakes all day!!! thank you everyone for coming! the brothers really enjoyed your stay and we wish everyone else could have come and hung out! see you all in a few weeks.

thanks for everything chrissy! depsite my massive sinus congestion, i really enjoyed myself. you're a great mom.
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