Mid to Late 20's
in a recent email to alisa, i revealed my current mind ramblings:
and i have hence since joined in the new label of "mid to late twenties". it is depressing. but apparently, biologists say that the brain comes to full maturity at the age of 25. im guessing that it doesnt happen like a lightning strike. because, otherwise, i am sorely disappointed with my potential. im hoping for something more along the lines of a little flower slowly unfolding towards the rising sun that will finish around march of next year. after that, i suppose it is all just downhill. and when that time comes, i can only hope to make enough money to buy the good and expensive fertilizer to mask the wilting.
and i also may add that the money should also be used for a weed killer of sorts? i am noticing many poisonous people who can enter your life undercover and choke the life out of you.
any thoughts people??? i know you must have a few, jolleen! clare?? give it to me straight, peeps.