Lasallian Volunteers 2005-2006

Lord, The Work is Yours...

Thursday, October 20, 2005


You know it's flattering, don't you love when kids pretend to hate you in front of their friends? It's just so cute! The other day Ryan, a sweet, loveable, and talkative freshmen who is in my tutoring center every single day (and sometimes finds the need to imitate a dance club while other students are working) was talking to his friend at their lockers after school was dismissed. I overhear him say, "She's evil! Just evil!" Since I of course know he's talking about me I called his name and he turns around. I smile and say, "Ryan who's evil so I can make sure I avoid her?" He looks at me and says "You can't avoid her... She's you!!"

Hahaha. (allegedly evil laugh)


At 9:20 AM, Blogger Maureen said...

Clare you make me laugh! You eveeel lady!


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