As it would turn out, Kathy had gone from Chicago to what Joel refers to as the "coast" in Indiana (Michigan City) to find out that she had forgotten the keys to her parents cabin.
So we pile in and head out to meet her round about Gary, Indiana. This leads to the four of us standing in the Gary, Indiana White Castle at 11p.m. waiting for our community director. At this point, Ross has stated numerous times that he is hungry. Ernest then says, "Hey, let's get a crave case." Ross finds this amusing and starts laughing. I see an opportunity and take it, "Seriously, I dare you two to eat 30 burgers between now and when we get to Chicago."Ross crumples to the floor of the White Castle.
25 minutes later, the car smells revoltingly of greasy sliders covered in cheese and onion and Ross and Ernest are slowing down and looking green.
Ernest: "I think we should slow down..."
Ross: "It's break time..."
They're eyes appear to roll to the backs of their heads as they tell me the count is Ross 10, Ernest 9.In the end, they both ate 10 each.
This morning, I woke up to find them standing in the kitchen over the top of the opened crave case with 10 more burgers staring up at them. Ernest ate two more, then they left to go running.
Maybe it's just me, but I am not at all impressed with Ross and Ernest's performance. It just doesn't seem like 15 sliders is all that many. In fact, I look forward to testing my own abilities in taking down a crave case this evening as hearing about White Castle causes one to fittingly crave.
gross again!how'd it turn out?
Um, ya'll are gross. Seriously. No matter how many belly bombers you eat, just one is enough to make me ill.
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