Highbridge Community Life Center, Bronx, NY (LV Visit)

Highbridge Community Life Center has a new Recreation center on the other side of "Highbridge," the neighborhood where the Center focuses all of their efforts. The main Center is at the far end of Highbridge (near Yankees Stadium) and the Recreation Center is on the other end of the neighborhood. The Recreation Center is brand new, so Jennifer and the staff are trying to stir up business. Jennifer helps organize the afterschool program. Kids come to work on homework and take part in planned activities. There is a long waiting list because they have limited space. They are hoping to open up more space soon. Jennifer also organizes programs for Seniors during the day. Jennifer started a new "Walking Club" where Seniors can track their steps using a pedometer. The challenge of the Center is how to advertise and how to create new programs that the people need. As I was leaving, Jennifer was organizing a Highbridge Halloween Party...hope you have a good turn-out.
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